MIRET, NÚRIA EDITORIAL MEDITERRANIA Ref. 9788499796451 Ver otros productos del mismo autor
    This is a book for people of all ages. Written and illustrated with love, it delves deeply into the Vallès Occidental. This historical region is rich in the remains of the past, but at the same time is open to all the possibilities of the future. We are also offering our book in English so it can en...
    Ancho: 225 cm Largo: 270 cm Peso: 250 gr
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    20,00 €
  • Descripción

    • ISBN / EAN : 978-84-9979-645-1
    • Encuadernación : RÚSTICA
    • Fecha de edición : 01/04/2019
    • Año de edicion : 2019
    • Idioma : ANGLÈS
    • Autores : MIRET, NÚRIA
    • Traductores : MEISCH, CHRISTA
    • Ilustradores : DE PUIG RIPOLL, CLÀUDIA
    • Número de páginas : 32
    This is a book for people of all ages. Written and illustrated with love, it delves deeply into the Vallès Occidental. This historical region is rich in the remains of the past, but at the same time is open to all the possibilities of the future. We are also offering our book in English so it can enlighten so many people from all over the world who have chosen to make this region their home.
    The texts are concise, but in line with the latest historical research. Like the region itself, the illustrations are full of colour and life. At the same time, they truthfully reflect reality and accurately capture the buildings and landscapes they portray.
    The world is immense and its possibilities are endless. But it is difficult to understand the world around us if we do not have a fundamental knowledge of our immediate surroundings. This is the main goal of Discovering the Vallès Occidental.

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