SAVAGE, THOMAS RANDOM HOUSE UK Ref. 9781784877842 Ver otros productos del mismo autor
    Phil and George are brothers and joint owners of the biggest ranch in their Montana valley.Phil is the bright one, George the plodder. Phil is tall and angular; George is stocky and silent. Phil is a brilliant chess player, a voracious reader, an eloquent storyteller; George learns slowly, and devot...
    Peso: 250 gr
    13,95 €
  • Descripción

    • ISBN / EAN : 978-1-78487-784-2
    • Encuadernación : BUTXACA
    • Fecha de edición : 16/06/2022
    • Año de edicion : 0
    • Idioma : ANGLÈS
    • Autores : SAVAGE, THOMAS
    • Número de páginas : 0
    Phil and George are brothers and joint owners of the biggest ranch in their Montana valley.

    Phil is the bright one, George the plodder. Phil is tall and angular; George is stocky and silent. Phil is a brilliant chess player, a voracious reader, an eloquent storyteller; George learns slowly, and devotes himself to the business. They sleep in the room they shared as boys, and so it has been for forty years.

    When George unexpectedly marries a young widow and brings her to live at the ranch, Phil begins a relentless campaign to destroy his brother's new wife. But he reckons without an unlikely protector.

    From its visceral first paragraph to its devastating twist of an ending, The Power of the Dog will hold you in its grip.

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